
Is it worth it: what are the chances to sell your script?

Let’s say you’ve written an incredible script, you believe in it, and are sure it will be picked up by producers. What are the chances? 

On average, if you send 1000 emails, only 10% will get back to you. Out of these 100 emails, another 10% will request to read your script and only 1% may option it. Not so rosy? Perhaps not, but out of 1000 emails, you will have close contact with 10 of them, giving you an opportunity to continue the dialogue and keep circling back with new scripts. Even if they don’t buy it, there are good chances they will show it to their colleagues who may be looking for new material. And just like that, your 10% responses have brought you new connections in the industry and new opportunities. 

Now let’s look at the contests: A total of 5,526 scripts were submitted for the Nicholl Fellowship contest last year, with only 11 individual screenwriters selected as finalists. Which makes it a 0,199..% chance to win this contest. Hmm, okay. Let’s have a look at the Austin Film Festival. It got 14,648 script submissions in 2021 with 19 winners. Well, 0,12%. But that is the thing with contests: even though the chances are much lower, thousands of industry professionals are monitoring them. And you don’t even have to win it, everyone who makes it to the quarter finals can be sure to receive a couple of messages from producers. 

Now, the websites. Websites may be a great way to showcase your work, as producers are obviously there for the same thing and you don’t have to worry your submission will be unsolicited. Normally, up to a thousand submissions are received per job listing, giving you only 0,1%. However, some platforms (like, have a filtration system, allowing both writers and producers to find each other without haste.

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