
A catch-22: submitting unsolicited materials or how to break into the industry.

Yes, we’ve all been there. How do I get my script opted? How do I get responses from agents, managers, producers? Is it even possible without winning a contest? And #1 of them all – how do I submit my script if they do not accept unsolicited materials? 

Well, after working for some time in the industry, you finally get your answer – YES IT’S POSSIBLE. The thing you need to understand is that submissions, contests, websites, webinars, festivals, connections, all are just different doors to the same place – the cinema. None is better than the other, so be ready to try out every single one and we promise – eventually you’ll get there. 

So how do you break this catch-22 and submit an unsolicited script? You just send an email. Yes, you’ve heard correctly. The truth is, producers DO read your submissions. They DO request to read a full script, BUT.. when and only when they love your idea. This is the only criteria and only factor – your script. Please understand that even if you’ve won a Nicholl Fellowship contest, producers, agents, and managers will request loglines to your scripts first, and, if they don’t like them, they will move on. So the harsh truth that no one speaks about is that it DOESN’T matter whether you won 1 million contests or graduated from the film academy, the only thing that matters is that people who are buying your script LOVE it. That’s the only determining factor. Your job is to put it in front of enough people and eventually, the one who wants to produce it, will read it. So write down your best idea and start submitting it (on for example) because the only thing they are looking for – is a great idea.

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